Do you or someone else you know have a hearing loss? FREE Lipreading classes can help. Come and join a lipreading class today.
Learn skills that will help you to cope with everyday situations that you may be struggling with and share your experiences with other people who have a hearing loss.
Learn how your hearing aids works and about equipment to help with your hearing loss e.g. smoke alarms, television aids, flashing doorbells, alarm clocks and amplified phones. (Most of the equipment is FREE).
You will also learn about communication; including coping with the impact of deafness, looking, listening, problem solving, facial expressions, body language and relaxation.
Visits from outside agencies will include:- Deaf Action, Action on Hearing Loss, Hearing Link, Hearing Dogs for the Deaf, Fire Service, and many more.
Advice on tinnitus cochlear implants, access to work, getting benefits and much more. For more information contact:.