Murton Trust manages a thriving nature reserve, visitor farm and tea room, on the outskirts of Forfar. Murton provides a unique environment in which children, young people and adults can learn and develop skills for life. We wish to enrich people’s lives by using our site as an educational tool that has a positive impact on all ages.
As a Scottish charitable organisation with a dual purpose, situated on a former sand and gravel quarry, Murton Trust manages and enhances the natural heritage on the 100 acre site and currently utilises the landscape to provide opportunities for young people from Angus and Dundee (aged 14-19) who are disengaged from formal education, to gain meaningful vocational qualifications or work experience in hospitality and land based skills.
Murton Trust is a Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) accredited vocational training centre, our education programmes make significant differences to the futures of challenged young people. We support those currently at school and those who have left school with no positive destination who are at risk of future social and employment exclusion, as a consequence of little or no school achievements.
We also operate Murton Tots Outdoor Playgroup throughout term time, working with pre-school children in an outdoor setting introducing them to the benefits of playing outdoors and experiencing nature at an early age.
Since the charity was formed in 2001, the nature reserve has become a hidden gem, teaming with wildlife including otters. The 80 acre nature reserve flourishes with diverse habitats; lochs, wetlands, woods, wild flower meadows, and nesting sites for sand martins. An abundant array of wetland and wading birds including Little Ringed Plovers a local biodiversity priority species are thriving. The management and design of the site mean paths and seating afford views, and provide access to nature without encroaching nesting sites or damaging habitats. The visitor farm and tea room have grown in popularity and are firmly established as a tourist destination, featuring in the list of top 20 places to visit in Angus. Murton recognises the importance of tourism to its future sustainability and has become a key player in the Angus Tourism Cooperative established across the county by tourist attractions, hospitality businesses and accommodation providers.