Scottish Badgers brings together individuals and groups from across Scotland to promote the study, conservation and protection of Scotland’s badgers, their setts and natural habitats. Together, we seek to encourage tolerance and appreciation of badgers by offering information, advice and guidance to all.
Scottish Badgers is the only charity dedicated to the study, conservation and protection of badgers that operates in Scotland. Please note that Scottish Badgers is not affiliated with, or a branch of the Badger Trust. The Badger Trust is not involved in any work protecting badgers in Scotland.
Scottish Badgers is an independent Scottish charity. It was founded in 1999, with encouragement from the Scottish Government, who perceived a need for a non-statutory body to work in this field.
Scottish Badgers cooperates closely with the Badger Trust, whose activities cover all the other areas of the British Isles. It should be noted that only Scottish Badgers operate in Scotland.