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The aims of Angus Voice are:

  • To influence the strategic direction of Adult Mental Health Services locally, regionally and nationally, and contribute to their overall improvement;
  • To support Contributors to become actively involved in the planning, development, evaluation and improvement of mental health services delivered by the statutory, voluntary and independent sectors in Angus;
  • To raise awareness of mental health issues within the wider community, including in Further Education establishments; and challenge the stigma associated with mental ill health.

Why is Angus Voice Important?

People with direct experience of mental health problems have a unique perspective and expertise. Collective advocacy is an opportunity to harness this expertise and use it to benefit and influence the ways in which mental health services in Angus are developed and run, to educate professionals and the public, and to empower and influence contributors’ lives. We work across Angus, and our office is based in the Angus Independent Advocacy building at 60 High Street, Arbroath DD11 1AW. Website Address We’re always keen to hear from people who have lived experience, and who have made use of mental health services in Angus.
