Our aim is to improve the quality of life for anyone whose mental health problems or mental illness has a serious impact on their life and on the lives of others, including family members, friends and supporters.
We believe
- That every individual has the right to be valued, and to share in the opportunities, enjoyment, challenges, responsibilities and choices of everyday life
- That those who experience mental illness, and mental health problems, their families and carers and friends, are entitled to quality support in the community or in hospital, or in their own homes as they choose
- That those who need care and support should be enabled to play an active role in the decisions that impact on them
- That people affected by serious illnesses, like schizophrenia, have a specialised knowledge and expertise, which will be reflected in all that we do
Turning People’s Lives Around
We improve quality of life by working with people to:
- Have more opportunities in life
- Build confidence and social skills
- Be more connected to their families and communities
- Have more stable lifestyles by providing help with practical issues
- Be more physically well – exercise, diet, healthy eating.
We support people who are hard to reach and engage
- People with serious mental illness including psychosis
- People subject to compulsory treatment and compulsory measures – those who come through criminal justice who are not well.
- People who have chaotic lifestyles due to historic factors, poverty and lifestyle choices.
Fighting for People’s Rights
- People are afraid to seek help because of the stigma and discrimination they face
- Most discrimination is experienced within health and social care settings
- People with serious illness die 20 years younger than their peers because of poor physical health that goes undiagnosed or untreated because of attitudinal barriers to care
- 93% of People with serious illness are long-term unemployed and living on benefits
- Carers of people with mental illness are twice as likely to experience their own mental health problems as carers of other conditions/illnesses
What do we do to change the future?
- Evidence-based on lived experience
- Political engagement
- Awareness-raising Consultations
- Policy and public affairs activity
- Partnerships Media and communications Involvement – giving people a voice
Professional ethos
As staff and volunteers we will:
- Show respect and tolerance for everyone who has contact with our organisation
- Develop an evidence base for everything that we do and say
- Involve and engage everyone we support in decision-making about our services and what our organisations does
- Ensure that everything we do has tangible benefits for people affected by mental illness or a mental health problem
- Be person-centred and not service-led