ANGUSalive’s BE ACTIVE…live well programme is part funded by NHS Tayside and links the health services with sports facilities. Referrals can be made by any health professional including doctors, health visitors, practice nurses, physiotherapists and dieticians. People can also self refer by completing the referral form which can be downloaded and printed from our website.
This is a focused exercise programme aimed at the older adult and/or those within a specialist group who have to manage a long term condition.
The programme may benefit those who haven’t exercised before or who have not been active for some time and just don’t know where to start.
The benefits of being physically active include reducing the risk of a range of diseases, e.g. coronary heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Helps maintain a healthy weight, helps maintain ability to perform everyday tasks with ease, improves self-esteem and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Please see our website for more information about physical activity opportunities currently available.