The charity ANGUSalive is the culture, sport and leisure trust for the county of Angus and has been operating since 1 December 2015. We are ambitious and aim to provide the best services for our customers.
ANGUSalive offers residents and visitors to Angus a wealth of services which inspire healthy, active and creative lifestyle choices through the use of our sports centres, country parks, theatres and venues, museums, galleries, archives, libraries and ACCESS offices. We have five service areas which form our culture, sport and leisure offering:
ANGUSalive has almost 500 employees, led by a chief executive and senior management team. The chief executive reports to the ANGUSalive board which comprises of five independent directors and four council directors who are Angus Council elected members.
It promotes, operates and delivers services on behalf of Angus Council.
ANGUSalive is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland No. SC499155 and is a registered Scottish charity No. SC046133. Registered office Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar, DD8 1AN.